1927_Delage 15 S8

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1927 Delage 15 S8

The 1926 version of this car had been a disaster. The siting of the superchargers and exhaust on the right hand side turned out to be a big mistake – effectively cooking the drivers as they raced. The only bright spot was when Delage had won the inaugural British Grand Prix at Brooklands.

For 1927, the revisions included the re-siting of the exhaust on the left, the twin superchargers replaced by a single front mounted blower, raking the radiator and offsetting the 1.5 litre engine to lower the car. Producing around 170 bhp at 8000 rpm, the dog had become a jewel.

The car was so successful it won every race entered in 1927, all driven by Robert Benoist, who thus became the first ever World Champion driver.

The car shown is the 1927 British Grand Prix winner at Brooklands.

This print can be supplied in square or landscape formats in the sizes indicated below.

Small - 30 x 30cm / 30 x 40cm

Medium - 40 x 40cm / 40 x 50cm

Large - 50 x 50cm / 50 x 70cm