1980 LM100_14

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  • Regular price $50.25

Rondeau M379B. 1980. Winner.


Jean Rondeau was a local driver turned constructor, having been born in Le Mans and grown up with a dream. He raced fro various teams before joining the Inaltera outfit in 1976. After Inaltera withdrew, Rondeau took the reins, developing the Ford DFV powered car and constructing under his own name.

Driving alongside Jean-Pierre Jaussaud, Rondeau won the 1980 race outright - becoming the only driver in the event's history to win in a car bearing his own name.

This print can be supplied in square or landscape formats in the sizes indicated below.


Small - 30 x 30cm / 30 x 40cm

Medium - 40 x 40cm / 40 x 50cm

Large - 50 x 50cm / 50 x 70cm